Client-Caching Algorithms in a Video-on-Demand System

Title Client-Caching Algorithms in a Video-on-Demand System
Author(s) D. Ma, G. Alonso
Type article
Booktitle Technical report
Esprit Project Hermes (no. 9141)
Organization Institute of Information Systems, ETH Zurich
Month April
Year 1997


A growing number of applications need access to video data (e.g., video-on-demand, digital library, multimedia messaging). As a result, the load on continuous media servers responsible for the storage and retrieval of videos, either from disks or from tertiary storage devices, is becoming increasingly significant. The capacity of such continuous media servers is determined by the number of underlying disk drives as well as on the amount of memory available in the system. To increase the number of clients that can be supported, the clients' disks could be used as an alternative caching device in which to store video data. In this way, a client has the option of retrieving data from the server or from a near by client, thereby reducing the load of the server and increasing the overall capacity of the system. In this paper, three such client-cache algorithms are proposed. Performance results obtained from simulations are provided and compared with the performance of servers without using the client-caching algorithms.

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