The Role of Database Technology in Workflow Management

Title The Role of Database Technology in Workflow Management
Author(s) G. Alonso
Type inproceedings
Booktitle Proceedings of the First International Conference on Interoperable and Cooperative Systems
Brussels, Belgium
Organization Institute for Information Systems, ETH Zürich
Month June
Year 1996


The main goal of this panel is to discuss the role of database technology and research in the new area of workflow management systems. There are several hundred workflow products in the market nowadays and the database community has had so far very little impact in this area. Yet, the problems faced by workflow systems have a lot in common with problems already solved for databases. The panel will aim to identify which database technology is relevant in the workflow area and research directions that are most likely to have a significant impact on the evolution of workflow systems. As the basis for discussion, this proposal outlines the current state of the art and points out possible areas in which database technology could be applied in workflow contexts.
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