Cooperation between Autonomous Operation Services and Object Database Systems in a Heterogeneous Environment

Title Cooperation between Autonomous Operation Services and Object Database Systems in a Heterogeneous Environment
Author(s) H.-J. Schek, A. Wolf
Type inproceedings
Booktitle Proc. of the IFIP TC2/WG2.6 Conf. on Semantics of Interoperable Database Systems, DS-5
Lorne, Victoria, Australia publisher : D. K. Hsiao, E. J. Neuhold, R. Sacks-Davis, Elsevier (North-Holland)
Organization Institute of Information Systems, ETH Zurich
Month November
Year 1992


The cooperation between a database system and an operation service providing application-specific computation on behalf of the database has important advantages. It allows to utilize (existing or newly developed) software modules which may run in a different system environment (supporting heterogenity). And it provides more protection which is a key problem in extensible databases when foreign code has to be linked to the database code (avoiding the "Trojan Horse" problem). Such an architecture causes higher execution cost. Therefor in this paper we are interested in the cost factors occuring when a method invocation and computation is done "outside" the kernel object manager. If we have the choice, we want to know whether we should send an object to an operation whenever we need a computation to be performed on it rather than have the method sent and linked to the object manager. We will present first considerations to these questions and give examples which show that operation services are a viable solution providing increased interoperability between databases and applications.
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